Coaching sessions range from 30-60 minutes and either take place over the phone or during a face-to-face meeting. Each session begins with the topic you wish to address, moves to questions exploring the topic and closes with some actions to perform that will help you move closer to your goal. The actions may come from your new found awareness and desire to try something different or a request from your coach.Often the most valuable work occurs between appointments as you develop awareness and evaluate your actions. Together we will discover what is most important to you, how your condition impacts your efforts and strategies unique to you that will help you to create life on your terms.
The length of the coaching relationship is different for everyone but typically begins with a three-month commitment. It is important that, to our coaching relationship, you bring a commitment to yourself, curiosity about what will best serve you and a willingness to change. As an invested coaching client, you now have a partner who is dedicated to helping you achieve your goals.
Imagine learning strategies to manage the impact of ADD/ADHD on your life, recognizing your accomplishments, and feeling less frustration or disappointment. Imagine replacing feelings of frustration with understanding and confidence, developing a deeper awareness of what is most important to you, personalized strategies to manage daily demands and someone who will encourage and support you. How does that feel? Are you ready to begin?