I find that people with ADD/ADHD beat themselves up because they have difficulty accomplishing things that seem so simple for their peers. They want to do more, achieve more. One solution can be found by partnering with a coach who understands ADHD challenges and can help the client recognize its unique impact on their performance, achieve greater self-awareness and work together to create systems for success.

Susan Lieber, Certified Organizer Coach
Whether you want to be more productive personally or professionally, create organized spaces and routines or achieve a sense of balance in your life, working with a coach can help.

A coach is your partner, dedicated to helping you achieve your goals. Working with Susan can help you to understand how your unique brain works, develop an appreciation for your strengths and explore ways to capitalize on them. The coaching process can help you sort through the physical and mental clutter that is limiting your creativity and empower you to design a life on your terms. A life which includes supportive persons, routines and spaces that is aligned with the things that matter most to you.

Amongst the piles, the sorting and the process of organizing, Susan keeps me focused and reminds me that it doesn’t have to be perfect; it just has to work for ME. I love that.
Francine, Nurse